Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chapter 3 questions

Celeste Olalquiaga describes the postmodern experience as: an individual experiencing a major transformation of perception and consciousness and that the body now exists in a new kind of time and place. Do you agree with what she describes of the new body? What do you think had the greatest affect when undergoing this change? 

The author states that the way new knowledge is acquired is through apperception and distraction.  Do you agree with this statement?

Walter Benjamin states that “the body becomes more mechanized at the same rate the computer becomes more “friendly”. The boundaries between the spheres of the body and of technology have begun to transgress, overlay, and blur.” Do you think he is right when he describes how the body is further distance from tactility and everything is beginning to blend together? How do you think this blend has affected the art world?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Questions for Reading Discussions: "The Medium is the Massage"

My two questions for discussion include:
McLuahn states that people tend to focus on the obvious, which is the content that provides valuable information but tend to miss the structural changes or changes made over long periods of time. Why is it that we as humans don’t realize the social implication of the medium until after the change or until someone points them out?

Each visual illustration within the book plays a specific role. What “effect” or “massage” did the pictures throughout the book have on your human sensorium?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Project #2 Animation

This assignment is an extension of my first Las Vegas assignment. My goal was to make the montage come alive. Within each frame of the animation I changed my center point and focused on different aspects of the overall images.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Project #2 Animation

This assignment is an extension of my first Las Vegas assignment. My goal was to make the montage come alive. Within each frame of the animation I changed my center point and focused on different aspects of the overall images.